Grand Design Inc.
Phone: (303) 693-8348
Established 1984
Past Events
Civil Rights Stories Project - In the belief that the history and lessons of the Civil Rights Movement must be preserved, Grand Design initiated a project to create an oral history of individuals’ personal experiences during those years. This ongoing project was accomplished by inviting individuals from the community on a multicultural basis to have their stories video recorded professionally. The series of events was open to the public and attracted persons from the professional world, the faith community, the human rights community and other community members who had a desire to share their experiences. Thus far, over 20 hours of video has been recorded, with the intent of creating a DVD and perhaps a future stage production based on those stories. It is of critical importance that these experiences be preserved, especially for the youth of today;
Los Serenate de Chorale - Grand Design created a series of choral performances for the purpose of highlighting the individual and collective talents of the Grand Design Chorale as well as informing guests and potential sponsors about Grand Design programs. The invitation only event is held on the 5th Sunday of each month at the Aurora Fox Studio Theater before a select audience of 100 invited guests. During the event, guests are also invited to become members of the Grand Design Board of Directors, the Grand Design Chorale, the Grand Design Advisory Board or to participate in other organizational activities;
National Association of Human Rights Workers (NAHRW) 2011 Training Conference - In September 2011, Grand Design participated in the NAHRW conference in a number of ways. Grand Design performed one of its original stage productions, Expressions of an Activist, for conferees with the assistance of the Grand Design Chorale. On a collaborative note, Expressions cast members were comprised of volunteer drama students from the Community College of Aurora. Grand Design also arranged to record sessions of Civil Rights Stories for those in attendance as well as the local community. Finally, following the end of the conference, Grand Design hosted the first annual Heritage Ball at the conference site. The event featured guests in heritage attire and dance performances from the African, Asian, American Indian and East Indian communities
Expressions of an Activist - Performed at Laredo Elementary School and Lansing Elementary School. Expressions introduces students to the concept of activism and activists that they learned about in school through a performance workshop. Student readers portray various activists, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, Susan B. Anthony, Geronimo, Cesar Chavez and others;
Grand Design Chorale - The Chorale performed at the Aurora, CO Red Lion Hotel and the Denver Civic Center at City Park in connection with the 25th Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Commemoration;
Grand Design Chorale - The Chorale performed at the Community College of Aurora as part of a Chorale/Poetry event;
New Century Jubilee Choir (NCJC) - NCJC performed three times during 2011 for the public at the Towne Center of Aurora. NCJC is comprised of the Grand Design Chorale, Chinese, Japanese and Korean choirs as well as the performance dance group Women of the Promise and other musical groups collaborating with Grand Design;
Dance Theater of Harlem- Grand Design was a key sponsor of a special performance of the Dance Theater of Harlem during their visit to Denver;
Green Tie Event- Grand Design participated in and supported the Annual Green Tie event sponsored by the Metro Community Provider Network (MCPN). MCPN has provided medical and health education services to the underserved since 1989. MCPN has one of the largest population bases of any community health center in Colorado;
Re-engagement of Advisory Board- The Grand Design Board of Directors recognized the need to re-engage the existing Advisory Board members by hosting a meeting of all board members and Advisory Board members. At that meeting, an overview of Grand Design 2011-2012 initiatives was conducted. Advisory board members were invited to comment and provide input to board members. The meeting was very effective in terms of the valuable input received and a commitment to invite Advisory Board members to regular board meetings at least quarterly.